1h | 24h | 7d | 14d | 30d | 1y |
7.17% | 28.31% | 50.02% | 222.19% |
24h High | 24h Low | All-Time High | ATH Date | All-Time Low |
£20.32 | £20.32 |
Bounce | |
Genesis Date | 22nd January 2025 |
Circulating Supply | 6,500,025 |
Max Coin Supply | 7,640,652 |
Bounce (auction) is a digital asset ranked as #203 in BitCourier Cryptocurrency List with market capitalisation of £132.24 M. Pound Sterling. In the last 24 hours Bounce's trading volume exceeded £80.62 M.
Current price - £20.41 GBP. Exchange rate auction to USD is $6.80 for one coin.
During the last calendar year Bounce price was volatile and had both periods of growth and decline. In particular in the last 7 days the price changed by 50.02%. (auction)'s peak price (All-time high) was £51.45 per coin, this point was reached on 12th April 2021 . From that moment till today Bounce has lost -60.38% in value.
Ratings by crypto community, developers and liquidity are 9.072, 0.000, 36.192.
Bounce is a decentralized auction protocol driven by the need to ease swap tractions and thereby unlock the full potential of open finance. On Bounce, liquidity mining, decentralized governance, and staking mechanisms are incorporated in a seamless formation which accomplishes efficient exchange of tokens and enhanced security. Swapping with Bounce allows assets to be traded in a competitive state in which rare assets that have high demand gain value exponentially and vice versa. A user seeking to swap assets creates a pool with parameters of time the pool should close and how much ETH they will accept for the swap. Bidders can then view the pool and compete to fill the ETH amount requested. Upon elapse of the pre-set time or accumulation of enough ETH, any additional transactions get bounced off. Kain Warwick, the founder, aims at incorporating more options for exchanging tokens in the auction other than the currently accepted ETH.
Points (0-100) |
Development | 0.000 |
Community | 9.072 |
Liquidity | 36.192 |
Bitbucket |