/ Exchange rates / Ethereum

Ethereum (eth)

Rank: #2


£2,061.10 (-1.85%)
0.063951 BTC
£248.19Bn (7.07%)
Volume (24h)
£13.41 Bn (0.048%)

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Price change

1h 24h 7d 1y
0.19% -1.85% 2.87% 7.07%
24h High 24h Low
£2,117.64 £2,117.64

Community Vote

👍 👎


Ethereum Ethereum
Algorithm Ethash
Genesis Date 30th July 2015
Circulating Supply 120,391,113
Max Coin Supply 120,391,113

Ethereum Price Chart

Price, £

Market Cap

Trading Volume (24h)

Ethereum (eth) is a digital asset ranked as #2 in BitCourier Cryptocurrency List with market capitalisation of £248.19 Bn. Pound Sterling. In the last 24 hours Ethereum's trading volume exceeded £13.41 Bn.

Current price - £2,061.10 GBP. Exchange rate eth to USD is $1,863.71 for one coin.

During the last calendar year Ethereum price was volatile and had both periods of growth and decline. In particular in the last 7 days the price changed by 2.87%. (eth)'s peak price (All-time high) was £3,610.11 per coin, this point was reached on 12th November 2021 . From that moment till today Ethereum has lost -42.89% in value.

Ratings by crypto community, developers and liquidity are 72.746, 97.494, 95.183.

About Ethereum

ETH is the second-most popular open-source cryptocurrency invented in 2015. In fact, Ethereum became the first second-generation blockchain project that enabled Smart Contracts and Distributed Applications (ĐApps) as well as a programming language for building and publishing distributed apps. Consequently, Ethereum is the name of the system, and a cryptocurrency used for fueling it is called Ether.

Ether cryptocurrency was created by Vitalik Buterin who was inspired by Bitcoin. The platform is used for running decentralized apps that do not require a user’s personal details. Ethereum has its programming language called Solidity that allows developing these ĐApps. Ether currency is also received by mining – verifying transactions on the blockchain and receiving coin rewards for that. This way of mining is called Proof-of-work since a miner will receive the reward only after he completes some work. You can always check the Ethereum price in pounds on our website.


Ethereum Points
Development 97.494
Community 72.746
Liquidity 95.183


Ethereum GitHub
Forks 19239
Stars 44225
Subscribers 2197
Total issues 7646
Closed issues 7402
Contributors 898
Commits last 30d. 67