/ Exchange rates / Ocean Protocol

Ocean Protocol (ocean)

Rank: #142


£0.4137 (1.61%)
0.000012 BTC
£244.16M (7.40%)
Volume (24h)
£25.60 M (0.649%)

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Price change

1h 24h 7d 1y
0.09% 1.61% -5.81% 7.40%
24h High 24h Low
£0.4148 £0.4148

Community Vote

👍 👎


Ocean Protocol Ocean Protocol
Country of Origin SG
Genesis Date 21st October 2024
Circulating Supply 589,736,410
Max Coin Supply 1,408,900,141

Ocean Protocol Price Chart

Price, £

Market Cap

Trading Volume (24h)

Ocean Protocol (ocean) is a digital asset ranked as #142 in BitCourier Cryptocurrency List with market capitalisation of £244.16 M. Pound Sterling. In the last 24 hours Ocean Protocol's trading volume exceeded £25.60 M.

Current price - £0.4137 GBP. Exchange rate ocean to USD is $0.36 for one coin.

During the last calendar year Ocean Protocol price was volatile and had both periods of growth and decline. In particular in the last 7 days the price changed by -5.81%. (ocean)'s peak price (All-time high) was £1.41 per coin, this point was reached on 10th April 2021 . From that moment till today Ocean Protocol has lost -70.58% in value.

Ratings by crypto community, developers and liquidity are 35.321, 53.202, 46.491.

About Ocean Protocol

Ocean Protocol - is a decentralized data exchange platform that allows consumers and data providers to monetize and share data through the blockchain network using smart contracts and tokens. Ocean Protocol guarantees trust, transparency, and traceability to all the parties using ERC-20 standard tokens in a controlled and secure platform.

An Ocean Market offers all datasets to users wrapped by unique data tokens to create a private and secure data channel. Ocean Protocol was founded in 2017 by Trent McConaghy and co-founders Razyan Olteanu and Bruce Pon. OCEAN is the native token in the Ocean Protocol. It allows users to buy and sell datasets in the Ocean Market. Besides, users can use the OCEAN token to stake on data or vote on governance. The OCEAN-datatoken AMM pool determines the market price of the OCEAN token based on supply and demand.


Ocean Protocol Points
Development 53.202
Community 35.321
Liquidity 46.491


Ocean Protocol GitHub