/ Exchange rates / Paxos Standard

Paxos Standard (pax)

Rank: #131


£0.7912 (0.99%)
0.000034 BTC
£292.09M (0.18%)
Volume (24h)
£2.17 M (-0.376%)

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Price change

1h 24h 7d 1y
0.27% 0.99% 0.75% 0.18%
24h High 24h Low
£0.7950 £0.7950

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Paxos Standard Paxos Standard
Genesis Date 11th October 2024
Circulating Supply 369,235,767
Max Coin Supply 369,235,767

Paxos Standard Price Chart

Price, £

Market Cap

Trading Volume (24h)

Paxos Standard (pax) is a digital asset ranked as #131 in BitCourier Cryptocurrency List with market capitalisation of £292.09 M. Pound Sterling. In the last 24 hours Paxos Standard's trading volume exceeded £2.17 M.

Current price - £0.7912 GBP. Exchange rate pax to USD is $1.00 for one coin.

During the last calendar year Paxos Standard price was volatile and had both periods of growth and decline. In particular in the last 7 days the price changed by 0.75%. (pax)'s peak price (All-time high) was £0.96 per coin, this point was reached on 26th September 2022 . From that moment till today Paxos Standard has lost -17.45% in value.

Ratings by crypto community, developers and liquidity are 2.714, 47.549, 39.360.

About Paxos Standard

Paxos Standard is an ERC20 token based on the Ethereum network and is used as a stablecoin. Every PAX token is collateralized 1:1 by US Dollar held in Paxos corporate treasury fund.

Paxos is New York-based, state-regulated institution, which helped financial companies like Paypal and Revolut to get access to US consumers with their cryptocurrency-related offerings. 


Paxos Standard Points
Development 47.549
Community 2.714
Liquidity 39.360


Paxos Standard GitHub
Forks 65
Stars 94
Subscribers 32
Total issues 8
Closed issues 6
Contributors 4