1h | 24h | 7d | 14d | 30d | 1y |
0.14% | -0.71% | -0.91% | -6.41% |
24h High | 24h Low | All-Time High | ATH Date | All-Time Low |
£0.2033 | £0.2033 |
Secret | |
Genesis Date | 5th February 2025 |
Circulating Supply | 211,078,254 |
Max Coin Supply | 190,198,234 |
Secret (scrt) is a digital asset ranked as #279 in BitCourier Cryptocurrency List with market capitalisation of £42.25 M. Pound Sterling. In the last 24 hours Secret's trading volume exceeded £0.76 M.
Current price - £0.2006 GBP. Exchange rate scrt to USD is $0.33 for one coin.
During the last calendar year Secret price was volatile and had both periods of growth and decline. In particular in the last 7 days the price changed by -0.91%. (scrt)'s peak price (All-time high) was £7.56 per coin, this point was reached on 28th October 2021 . From that moment till today Secret has lost -97.35% in value.
Ratings by crypto community, developers and liquidity are 10.724, 79.627, 39.546.
Secret – Is the native utility and governance token in Secret Network. Developers use SCRT to pay transaction fees while validators use SCRT to stake in the network. Secret Network is an open-source blockchain that runs on secret nodes (a network of computers) that use software and hardware-based privacy features to create a secure computation space.
This network uses Tendermint, a Byzantine fault-tolerant delegated Proof-of-Stake consensus algorithm, to coordinate validators. The validators stake SCRT tokens to run the protocol, verify transactions, or propose blockchain blocks to earn rewards. Developers can build decentralized applications (dApps) on this blockchain and enjoy privacy-preserving features. Secret Network relies on Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) to provide privacy and security to Secret Apps.
Points (0-100) |
Development | 79.627 |
Community | 10.724 |
Liquidity | 39.546 |
GitHub | |
Forks | 85 |
Stars | 280 |
Subscribers | 39 |
Total issues | 442 |
Closed issues | 355 |
Contributors | 37 |
Commits last 30d. | 78 |