NEM (xem)

Rank: #140


£0.0325 (2.66%)
0.000000990 BTC
£292.54M (8.58%)
Volume (24h)
£3.69 M (-0.185%)

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Price change

1h 24h 7d 1y
0.13% 2.66% 8.44% 8.58%
24h High 24h Low
£0.0328 £0.0328

Community Vote

👍 👎


Algorithm Proof of Importance
Block Time (min) 1
Genesis Date 31st March 2015
Circulating Supply 8,999,999,999
Max Coin Supply 8,999,999,999

NEM Price Chart

Price, £

Market Cap

Trading Volume (24h)

NEM (xem) is a digital asset ranked as #140 in BitCourier Cryptocurrency List with market capitalisation of £292.54 M. Pound Sterling. In the last 24 hours NEM's trading volume exceeded £3.69 M.

Current price - £0.0325 GBP. Exchange rate xem to USD is $0.03 for one coin.

During the last calendar year NEM price was volatile and had both periods of growth and decline. In particular in the last 7 days the price changed by 8.44%. (xem)'s peak price (All-time high) was £1.38 per coin, this point was reached on 7th January 2018 . From that moment till today NEM has lost -97.64% in value.

Ratings by crypto community, developers and liquidity are 11.311, 63.853, 45.536.

About NEM

NEM (stands for the “New Economy Movement”) is a blockchain platform originally launched in 2015.

The platform wants to create a sustainable economy, guarantee financial freedom, and focuses on values such as equal opportunities and self-determination.

NEM uses a "proof of importance" (POI) to score how people can harvest XEM; a person has to have 10,000 XEM in their balance to be scored, and the number of transactions they have with others, to timestamp transactions. This was designed to encourage users of NEM to not simply hold XEM but instead actively carry out transactions.


NEM Points
Development 63.853
Community 11.311
Liquidity 45.536


NEM GitHub
Forks 57
Stars 97
Subscribers 39
Total issues 408
Closed issues 374
Contributors 26
Commits last 30d. 1