Rarible (rari)

Rank: #372


£0.7313 (5.65%)
0.000158 BTC
£8.39M (-3.14%)
Volume (24h)
£0.04 M (-0.959%)

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Price change

1h 24h 7d 1y
1.71% 5.65% 2.42% -3.14%
24h High 24h Low
£0.7583 £0.7583

Community Vote

👍 👎


Rarible Rarible
Genesis Date 23rd February 2025
Circulating Supply 11,578,869
Max Coin Supply 25,000,000

Rarible Price Chart

Price, £

Market Cap

Trading Volume (24h)

Rarible (rari) is a digital asset ranked as #372 in BitCourier Cryptocurrency List with market capitalisation of £8.39 M. Pound Sterling. In the last 24 hours Rarible's trading volume exceeded £0.04 M.

Current price - £0.7313 GBP. Exchange rate rari to USD is $2.60 for one coin.

During the last calendar year Rarible price was volatile and had both periods of growth and decline. In particular in the last 7 days the price changed by 2.42%. (rari)'s peak price (All-time high) was £33.91 per coin, this point was reached on 29th March 2021 . From that moment till today Rarible has lost -97.86% in value.

Ratings by crypto community, developers and liquidity are 8.460, 0.000, 38.252.

About Rarible

Rarible: This software enables digital artists and creators to sell and issue custom crypto assets as a representation of their digital work. It serves two purposes: a marketplace for the assets and a distributed network built on Ethereum where trade without a middleman occurs. On Rarible, creators generate non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Each NFT is unique in that they portray fungibility, i.e., unlike other units of money like bitcoins, they are not interchangeable. That is the reason why tokens on Rarible are called non-fungible.

A well-known example of NFTs is CryptoKitties. It is a game in which virtual cats can be bought and sold. The NFTs present can breed by creating new cats with different attributes represented in their NFTs. Examples of NFTs found on Rarible’s marketplace are memes, digital artworks, or parcels of virtual land. This software was developed by Alex Salnikov and Alexei Falin based in Moscow.


Rarible Points
Development 0.000
Community 8.460
Liquidity 38.252


Rarible Bitbucket