1h | 24h | 7d | 14d | 30d | 1y |
-0.79% | 0.53% | -5.16% | -22.41% |
24h High | 24h Low | All-Time High | ATH Date | All-Time Low |
£0.0498 | £0.0498 |
TitanSwap | |
Country of Origin | SG |
Genesis Date | 21st January 2025 |
Circulating Supply | 100,000,000 |
Max Coin Supply | 10,000,000,000 |
TitanSwap (titan) is a digital asset ranked as #400 in BitCourier Cryptocurrency List with market capitalisation of £4.47 M. Pound Sterling. In the last 24 hours TitanSwap's trading volume exceeded £0.27 M.
Current price - £0.0443 GBP. Exchange rate titan to USD is $0.34 for one coin.
During the last calendar year TitanSwap price was volatile and had both periods of growth and decline. In particular in the last 7 days the price changed by -5.16%. (titan)'s peak price (All-time high) was £6.88 per coin, this point was reached on 9th July 2021 . From that moment till today TitanSwap has lost -99.35% in value.
Ratings by crypto community, developers and liquidity are 7.839, 0.000, 42.724.
TitanSwap is a blockchain that provides users with decentralized financial solutions. The blockchain offers optimal liquidity for the digital asset through an adaptive bonding curve supporting order smart routing. TitanSwap is a product of TITAN Foundation. It relies on AMM-based automated order mechanism, smart route, address audit, adaptive bonding curve, and Layer-2 support to be successful.
TitanSwap uses Titan token as the governing token. With the token, users have voting rights and can have a proposal that determines the Network's future. Titan token also gives liquidity providers and traders an incentive for using the Network. The blockchain was founded to create financial freedom for blockchains through inheritance and innovation.
Points (0-100) |
Development | 0.000 |
Community | 7.839 |
Liquidity | 42.724 |
GitHub |