Alex Metzger Alex Metzger 23.12.2021

Asset Class - a Thing You Might Not Know About Bitcoin

The value and usage of cryptocurrencies heavily rely on public perception. Positive perceptions enable cryptocurrencies to gain monetary value and popularity. On the other hand, sentiments and events that portray cryptocurrencies in bad light discourage investors and drag the prices lower. Nevertheless, the industry’s heavy reliance on speculations could also hinder many people from discovering some essential things about crypto. 

Like other investment initiatives, investing in Bitcoin without adequately understanding the currency and the crypto market could be catastrophic. Even if you are an individual seeking to start using Bitcoin to pay for goods and services, you should know several things about it beforehand. Here are some of the essential things you might not know about Bitcoin. 

Bitcoin Has a Fixed Supply 

Many people know Bitcoin as a digital asset and currency, facilitating seamless money transfers and investments worldwide. However, most people, including some users, do not see its fixed supply of 21 million Bitcoins only. That means only the indicated amount of Bitcoin will ever come into circulation. 

Miners have generated more than 18 million tokens, just about 3 million left. However, the mining occurs at a standard rate determined by the Bitcoin protocol. Bitcoin’s fixed supply is a strategic feature that enables it to appreciate and maintain a more substantial purchasing power over an extended duration. 

The diminishing supply induces scarcity amidst growing market demand, accelerating Bitcoin’s value to new record highs. 

Bitcoin Operates on a Decentralized Platform 

While Bitcoin supports ordinary transactions like fiat money, it has no central authority or entity that regulates its applications and usage. It works on a blockchain-enabled peer-to-peer network, allowing users to send and receive payments amongst themselves without external oversight. The absence of third parties and regulations in Bitcoin transactions might make others think it is not secure. 

However, the blockchain verifies and validates all Bitcoin transactions on a shared digital ledger where all users can track their payments conveniently. The technology uses encryptions to compile transaction data and users’ public addresses into blocks, creating a detailed, accurate, and irreversible ledger. That ensures greater transparency and security in all Bitcoin transactions. 

Bitcoin’s decentralized platform eliminates most of the inefficiencies in the traditional financial systems. It enables users to transact across international borders autonomously without being subjected to government or institutional restrictions. You can process Bitcoin payments directly through your Bitcoin wallet or engage a reputable crypto exchange like

Bitcoin is an Independent Asset Class 

In 2020, Bitcoin outperformed all the traditional assets, including gold, to become the most profitable asset. Bitcoin’s stellar performance and higher value proposition have earned it the status of an independent asset class traded in financial markets worldwide. Unlike other standard assets subject to political and institutional influences, Bitcoin has better resilience to inflation. 

That is why many leading global corporations are increasingly shifting significant parts of their investments to crypto. Bitcoin enables investors to diversify their portfolios and better protection from inflationary risks. 

Bitcoin is a Highly Volatile Currency 

If you have been keenly following the crypto market’s developments, you must have noticed that digital currencies experience sharp up and down price movements. The rapid and constant Bitcoin price movements could seem like a risky venture to some investors. However, you can still leverage Bitcoin’s volatility for significant profits with a better market understanding and timing and the correct investment strategy. 

Bitcoin may be a new invention, but plenty of information already exists to enable the public to understand how it works, its real-life applications, and its risks.