Chris Chris 11.04.2023

We’re Building an Ecosystem of Trading Tools for Everyone — Interview with Stanislav, COO of Zonda

Chris: Hello Stanislav, thank you for accepting my invitation for this interview. Zonda is one of the first crypto exchange platforms in Europe and what's more important — one of the most successful ones. Looking back: to what do you owe your success?

Stanislav: I would say that the main factor that has helped us achieve long-term success is consistency. Rather than expend resources on pushing out complex new features every month, we focus on ensuring the core product operates securely and efficiently. By providing a platform that is always available, secure and reliable, we've maintained a large pool of loyal users that trust our product and appreciate our excellent customer service.

Adaptability is another crucial component of any business in the digital assets industry, as technology and legislation frequently change and we must be on our toes to keep up. To this end, we employ agile business strategies that can quickly be adapted to meet changes in the market and address new regulations. Finally, we value protectionism, keeping all our services under one roof and building proprietary in-house software to optimize efficiency and maximise revenue.

Chris: I know that Zonda takes pride in its retention rate. A nearly 100% retention rate is something out of this world. What strategies have you found to be most successful in this respect?

Stanislav: That’s true, our high employee retention rate is a source of great pride for the company and one that reflects our dedication to career development, team building, and competitive remuneration.

In addition to a dynamic, social work environment, Zonda offers generous perks and employee benefits, including annual events, staff parties, and the free use of holiday apartments around Europe. This, combined with regular reviews and constructive feedback, helps to ensure our employees always feel valued and appreciated.

Chris: Great! To do that you must have a loyal team. Could you share some valid management strategies to develop mutually beneficial relationships with employees?

Stanislav: In my professional opinion, the cornerstone of maintaining a loyal and productive team is feedback. As a leader and manager, effective communication with employees is essential, and even over-communication is sometimes necessary. Providing constructive feedback on their tasks and work performance, and offering assistance in any way possible, fosters an atmosphere of support and collaboration. I firmly believe that a successful manager prioritizes the well-being of their team, ensuring they work in a conducive environment and offering assistance in avoiding obstacles and overcoming any hindrances.

Chris: There is an Academy within Zonda. Can you elaborate on it? What's its purpose? 

Stanislav: Yes, Zonda Academy is our in-house educational resource centre that is regularly updated to address changes in the industry. It's an essential tool that helps newcomers operate safely in the complex and overwhelming world of cryptocurrency

Without proper education and guidance, users can easily fall victim to scams or make mistakes that result in the loss of their funds. A safe way to use cryptocurrency is to understand how to secure your funds and transactions, know how to evaluate different cryptocurrencies and use reputable exchanges and wallets. With proper education, individuals can safely navigate the cryptocurrency world and take advantage of the many benefits it offers.

Chris: In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges that the cryptocurrency industry is facing currently, and how does Zonda plan to overcome them?

Stanislav: Currently, regulation is probably one of the most significant challenges we face. Governments around the world are tightening their grip on the industry, making it increasingly difficult for centralized exchanges to operate in certain jurisdictions. This regulatory crackdown poses a challenge for businesses in the industry, as they must stay up-to-date with changing regulations and adjust their operations accordingly. 

Strict regulations are also pushing more advanced users towards Decentralized Finance (DeFi) services, posing a challenge for centralized entities. In response, many are now adopting a more decentralized approach, utilizing decentralized exchanges (DEXs) or hybrid models that blend centralized and decentralized functionality.

In line with increased regulation, Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements are also becoming more complex, with an ever-growing demand for source of funds verification. This can negatively affect conversion rates, with less users willing to onboard to centralized exchanges due to the time-consuming and invasive KYC process. To address this challenge, we're focusing on streamlining the KYC process, making it more user-friendly and efficient while still complying with regulations. 

Chris: On a personal note: what are some insights that you acquired in your vast business experience? Perhaps you can share the mistakes you learned from the most? 

Stanislav: I've found that continuous learning and self-improvement are fundamental components of any successful career, especially in the rapidly evolving and dynamic field of cryptocurrency. As a nascent industry, it's critical to stay up-to-date with the latest technology advancements and industry trends by learning new things on a daily basis. 

Like any human being, I've inevitably made mistakes, but in doing so I've gained valuable insights and learned how not to repeat them in future. By embracing communication and feedback, misunderstandings and communication breakdowns can be avoided, reducing the risk of challenging situations. Transparency and honesty are also essential values for building trust and credibility with both leadership and team members. It's important to maintain open communication and transparency, even when mistakes occur. By embracing communication, feedback, and transparency, individuals can foster a positive work environment, build trust, and avoid costly mistakes.

Chris: Since we are a UK based platform — do you have any activities in the UK?

Stanislav: Yes, we do have users from the UK. In terms of expansion we are currently focussed more on continental Europe, but the UK is definitely on the list to explore. Right now, it’s too early to say when we plan to acquire the license & enter the UK market, but it’s definitely on our list

Chris: Thank you so much. It was a pleasure!  Any last word for our readers?

Stanislav: Thanks for having me! For the readers I’ll just say one thing - always do your research before using any financial service platform or investing into a new token and make sure to always be careful.